How Creating a Sales Pipeline Will Help You Sell at least 20% more houses

If you’re like me and have a hard time keeping track of lots of different things at once, you know what it’s like when something slips through the cracks. It’s not great. But we have a solution at the Gluch Group. In this post, I’m going to go over what we do to solve this problem to make sure that no people, no prospects, slip through the cracks. This is an overview of our sales pipeline.

The Gluch Group Sales Pipeline

Our sales pipeline at the Gluch Group is how we live and breathe to make sure that everybody gets taken care of and that nobody falls through the cracks. If you want to follow along you can do so in the video. We use a task management system called Asana. You can use Asana to manage all kinds of stuff, and you can try it for free. Asana helps us keep track of our sales pipeline to make sure that all buyers and sellers who’ve indicated that they’d like to work with us at some point don’t slip through the cracks. 

Getting the Team Set Up on Asana

Setting someone up on Asana is one of the first things we do whenever anyone joins Gluch Group. When a new salesperson joins our team we say, “Okay, go through your list. Everybody you know who’s even kind of said they might buy a house, might sell a house, put them in the sales pipeline. Categorize them. Throw them in the right place at the right time.” Each person gets added to a section designated for new potential leads and we assign due dates to each person for follow up. Every person you’re following up with has their own little task in Asana. This helps make sure we all stay on task and, as I’ve mentioned, nothing slips through the cracks.

Leaving Notes in Asana

You’re also able to leave comments and custom details for each person/task. You can fill out fields for name, phone number, email, physical address, whether they’re renting or buying, whatever you need. These notes, and the ability to leave comments, helps anyone on the team pick up where someone else left off. There’s a record of everything.


Now, this is how we organize our leads in Asana. 

  • No Appointment means that we don’t have an appointment with them yet. They’re kind of new, and we haven’t gotten far enough yet to actually set an appointment to talk with them.
  • Appointment Set means we’ve set an appointment. 
  • Active buyers breaks into two different categories: out of state active buyers and active buyers or sellers 
  • Move Up or Move Out is for people who are stuck, people who  want to buy a house, but we’re having a hard time for some reason.
  • Pending for people who’ve bought or sold a home and it’s pending. 
  • B Buyers are people who would buy a house, who’re not actively looking. 
  • Investors have a category of their own.  
  • Long-Term Follow Up are for people who are longer down the road.
  • Agents for the most part, aren’t people who we should be following up with consistently, but occasionally it makes sense to reach out because of a solid relationship they have or the like.

The trick’s in Asana

Asana is a really great way to organize your leads. I can’t overstate how important it is to have all the important info and potential leads in one place. With a good sales pipeline nobody gets left behind. This alone will help most agents sell 20% more houses! Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with, from setting up your sales pipeline to buying a new house. We can jump on a call and I can walk you through whatever you need.

John Gluch.